Cold Air Blast and a Few Snowflakes in Western Washington

This is not an April fools prank. A shot of cold air will push into western Washington late Tuesday and Wednesday, with strong northeasterly winds from the Fraser River Valley extending into northwest Washington, and even a chance some of you will spot some snowflakes. In April. The predicted surface weather map for 8 AM April 1st is, well, chilling. Very cold air (purple/blue colors) is pushing into southern British Columbia, with a low center near the Columbia River bars. If this was January, I would getting my snow shovel handy. With cold, dense air and high pressure in southern BC and low pressure over southwest Washington, a large pressure difference (gradient) will develop over the Fraser River Valley, accelerating cold air into Bellingham and NW Washington. This is shown by wind gust forecast for 8 AM Wednesday, with winds reaching 35 knots. The northeasterly flow will then run into the Olympic Peninsula...and as we shall see, bringing low-level snow. Later i...