
Showing posts from October, 2020

Tonight! A Rare Blue, Micro-moon on Halloween!

You knew this year was odd, in so many ways.   Even the heavens are screaming out the message.   And tonight, you will be able to view an extraordinarily unusual event as the moon rises around 6:17 PM PDT:    a blue moon, a hunter's moon and a micro-moon, ALL on a day signaling the supernatural:  Halloween.    Even rarer, this odd apparition will be viewable across all four time zones of the U.S .   And even more ominous, a blood-red Mars will be close to the moon. More amazing, the skies will clear over the Northwest for a good view. Be scared, very scared. Let's begin with the weather situation.   It is nearly clear outside this morning around the Northwest, with very thin cirrus and some fog in local river valleys (see below). And the latest cloud forecast from the UW WRF model indicates clear skies over the entire region at 8 PM tonight. The full moon tonight will be a BLUE MOON, which occurs when there are two full moons in a month.  Blue moons are not that rare, occurring

New Podcast: The Election Week Forecast and Why Hurricanes Avoid the Northwest

My new podcast is out:  The Election Week Forecast and Why Hurricanes Avoid the Northwest?   Listen on Google Podcasts My blog on KNKX and the Undermining of American Freedom is found  style="color: #888888; text-decoration-line: none;">here . 

When is the foggiest time of the year in the Northwest?

Note: my new podcast on election week weather and why we don't get hurricanes will be online tomorrow at 7AM. _____________________________________________ When is the foggiest time of the year in the Northwest?     Listen on Google Podcasts Want to support the podcast? Click the Patreon box below.  Support on Patreon My blog on KNKX and the Undermining of American Freedom is found  style="color: #888888; text-decoration-line: none;">here . 

The Election Day Weather Forecast: Who Will it Favor?

 I got a call today from a political science professor from California:  he wanted to know how to get reliable weather forecast information for next week because weather can favor one party over another. I helped him, but this got me thinking about the weather on election day, particularly since we are now close enough in time to have some skill.   Listen on Google Podcasts Want to support the podcast? Click the Patreon box below.  Support on Patreon My blog on KNKX and the Undermining of American Freedom is found  style="color: #888888; text-decoration-line: none;">here .  An important story about Matt Martinez, Director of Content of KNKX, is found  here .

Frost, Record-Breaking Cold Temperatures, and Strange Weather Features

Cold air with snow and record-breaking cold temperatures moved in Saturday morning, with some odd weather features thrown in.  And even an early snow record in Spokane.   Listen on Google Podcasts Want to support the podcast? Click the Patreon box below.  Support on Patreon My blog on KNKX and the Undermining of American Freedom is found  style="color: #888888; text-decoration-line: none;">here .  An important story about Matt Martinez, Director of Content of KNKX, is found  here .

New Podcast: Cold, Wind, and Snow this Weekend, Plus the Secret of Western Washington Snow Events

Cold, Wind, and Snow this Weekend, Plus the Secret of Western Washington Snow Events   Listen on Google Podcasts My blog on KNKX and the Undermining of American Freedom is found  style="color: #888888; text-decoration-line: none;">here .  An important story about Matt Martinez, Director of Content of KNKX, is found  here .

Strong Winds, Cold Air and Mountain Snows Ahead

 Note: my new podcast on Wind, Cold and Snow will be out tomorrow morning ________________________________________________ The weather is about to get MUCH more active in our region, with the approach of a potent disturbance from the northwest, the invasion of frigid air from northern Canada, and the rapid increase in winds over Northwest Washington and the coast to 50-60 mph in places.  Even central Puget Sound will get a good taste of this wintry Zephyr. The latest infrared satellite image shows a large area of clouds and precipitation approaching our region from the Northwest (see below).   Listen on Google Podcasts My blog on KNKX and the Undermining of American Freedom is found  style="color: #888888; text-decoration-line: none;">here .  An extraordinary story about Matt Martinez, Director of Content of KNKX, is found  here .

Lowland Snow and Bountiful Mountain Snows: Is this Really Mid-October?

If this were December or January I would be looking for my snow shovel, bag of deicer,  and windshield scraper. A favorable weather pattern for lowland snow will be in place on Friday, but this IS mid-October, with the ground and atmosphere still relatively warm from summer heating.   Listen on Google Podcasts My blog on KNKX and the Undermining of American Freedom is found  style="color: #888888; text-decoration-line: none;">here .  An extraordinary story about Matt Martinez, Director of Content of KNKX, is found  here .

What Will Northwest Weather and Climate Be Like in 2050?

The future of Northwest climate is frequently discussed and debated these days. Knowing the future climate is very important, because we can take steps to adapt to climate change, saving lives and property. And the threat of unpleasant consequences can motivate society to take steps to reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere and increase carbon storage in the ground. A number of politicians have made climate change a centerpiece of their political platforms, and a range of natural disasters (such as wildfires, drought, and storms) have been blamed on increasing CO2 and other greenhouse gases. A free-for-all of name calling has followed this topic with terms such as "denier", "alarmist", and "warmest" representing just a few.   Listen on Google Podcasts My blog on KNKX and the Undermining of American Freedom is found  style="color: #888888; text-decoration-line: none;">here .  An extraordinary story about Matt Martinez, Director of Conten

New Podcast: Friday Wind, Showery Weekend and the Revenge of the Blob

New Podcast:  Friday Wind, Showery Weekend and the Revenge of the Blob   Listen on Google Podcasts My blog on KNKX and the Undermining of American Freedom is found  style="color: #888888; text-decoration-line: none;">here .  An extraordinary story about Matt Martinez, Director of Content of KNKX, is found  here .

Our Mornings Have Been Warm: Blame the Blob!

  Listen on Google Podcasts If you would like support the creation of the blog and podcast,  Click here to support on Patreon ! ___________________________________________ My blog on KNKX and the Undermining of American  Freedom is found  style="color: #888888; text-decoration-line: none;">here . An extraordinary story about Matt Martinez, Program Director of KNKX, is found  here  in which he talks about his views regarding the demographics of KNKX listeners and staff .   

The Moclips Tornado and the Intense Front that Spawned It

There is something about the western side of the Olympic Peninsula that brings big trees down.   In 2018, a swath of old-growth trees fell near Lake Quinault from an intense mountain-wave rotor circulation, something described in a paper I wrote with some UW graduate students.  There were some we didn't convince, including repeated claims of UFOs and military intervention. And on Saturday morning, around 4:45 AM, a weak tornado brought trees down along the Moclips Highway, between Moclips and Lake Quinault (see picture taken by the Quinault  Assistant Fire Chief). This event occurred when a very strong narrow cold frontal rainband made landfall on the coast.  And we have a very good view of the action because of the National Weather Service Langley Hill radar, which was installed in 2011. Below is radar image at 3:19 AM on October 10th.  Precipitation intensity is shown by the colors, with red indicating very, very heavy rain.  You notice the wavy line of red colors?  THAT is a n

First Snow of the Season, Followed by a Pacific Cyclone

 As cold, unstable air moves into the Northwest, snow has returned to the Washington Cascades. For example, at Crystal Mountain summit at around 7000 ft, a dusting of snow was evident around noon (see below), with the evergreens decked out in a while mantel.   Listen on Google Podcasts If you would like support the creation of the blog and podcast,  Click here to support on Patreon ! ___________________________________________ My blog on KNKX and the Undermining of American  Freedom is found  style="color: #888888; text-decoration-line: none;">here . An extraordinary story about Matt Martinez, Program Director of KNKX, is found  here  in which he talks about his views regarding the demographics of KNKX listeners and staff .   

New Podcast: Stormy Weather and the Jet Stream

  Listen on Google Podcasts My blog on KNKX and the Undermining of American Freedom is found  style="color: #888888; text-decoration-line: none;">here . An extraordinary story about Matt Martinez, Program Director of KNKX, is found  here  in which he talks about his views regarding the demographics of KNKX listeners and staff .   All KNKX listeners should read it.

Smoke Returns and the Fog Stays

 I really think there is something going on between the smoke and fog. California smoke returned to northern Oregon and Washington today (see satellite image at 1:31 PM).  Fairly dense over western Oregon and clearly evident over southwest Washington. >previous blog , there are substantial reasons why smoke may contribute to fog retention. ___________________________________________ My blog on KNKX and the Undermining of American Freedom is found  style="color: #888888; text-decoration-line: none;">here . An extraordinary story about Matt Martinez, Program Director of KNKX, is found  here  in which he talks about his views regarding the demographics of KNKX listeners and staff .  All KNKX listeners should read it. ___________________________________________ Stream my podcast from your favorite services:   Listen on Apple Podcasts   Listen on Spotify Podcasts   Listen on Google Podcasts Want to support the creation of the blog and podcast?  Click here to support on P

Grass Fires Not Forest Fires Dominated Washington State in 2020: What Does That Imply Regarding Global Warming?

style="color: #888888; text-decoration-line: none;">here . An extraordinary story about Matt Martinez, Program Director of KNKX, is found  here .  All KNKX listeners should read it. ___________________________________________ Stream my podcast from your favorite services:   Listen on Apple Podcasts   Listen on Spotify Podcasts   Listen on Google Podcasts Want to support the creation of the blog and podcast?  Click here to support on Patreon !

Is Wildfire Smoke Making Our Fog More Persistent?

Satellite picture for western Washington around 1 PM Saturday  The National Weather Service's forecast for Saturday had a problem.   For central Puget Sound it was predicting clouds in the morning and then becoming mostly sunny (see below) But instead fog held in ALL day, something shown by the Space Needle PanoCam at 3:10 PM Saturday.  You don't see conditions like that holding in all day very much. And the UW high resolution forecasts of fog/log clouds for 5 PM Saturday started with fog in the morning and rapidly burned it back (see forecast at that time).   Listen on Google Podcasts Want to support the creation of the blog and podcast?  Click here to support on Patreon ! ____________________________________________________ My blog on KNKX and the Undermining of American Freedom is found  style="color: #888888; text-decoration-line: none;">here . An extraordinary story about Matt Martinez, Program Director of KNKX, is found here .  All KNKX listeners should rea

New Podcast: Fog and Smoke, and the Latest Forecast

My new podcast is up and in it I talk about our foggy situation and the remnant California smoke.  I also give the insights into fog season and why we are int he foggiest time of the year!    The satellite image below says it all... fog over the ocean and in the western WA/Oregon lowlands, while veils of smoke are apparent overhead.   Listen on Google Podcasts Want to support the creation of the blog and podcast?  Click here to support on Patreon ! My blog on KNKX and the Undermining of American Freedom is found >here .

KNKX and the Undermining of American Democracy

Our democracy is threatened. It is threatened by rioters using violence as a political tool, by individuals intimidating politicians through aggressive home visits, by Presidential debates where name calling and incivility rule, by the loss of a sense of physical safety that is a necessity for a civil society, by destructive hyper-partisanship, and by the suppression of freedom of speech and diversity of viewpoints . There are few better examples of the suppression of freedom of speech and viewpoint diversity than the recent partisan actions by the management of KNKX, and this blog will review this issue.  I will discuss the termination of my weekly weather segment because of KNKX management’s unhappiness with my personal political free speech in social media.  And I will demonstrate the extreme hypocrisy of their actions, with their leadership’s use of nearly identical language for their own political advocacy. Freedom of speech and respect for viewpoint diversity is the foundation of