Batten Down the Hatches! A Strong Front is Now Making Landfall

3:15 PM

If you are planning to do anything outside and you are living in the Puget Sound region, better finish up during the next hour.

A very powerful front, only a bit weaker than Sunday's, is NOW bearing down on us.

The visible satellite image at 3:01 PM shows the clouds of the well-defined and

The radar image at 2:48 PM shows the front (I drew at oval to help you see it-, with red colors showing the intense rain on the front. This is called a narrow cold front rain band and there are rapid changes of wind direction, temperature, and pressure across it.

Observations at Buoy 41 observation site, just off the WA coast showed a very sharp pressure trough (zone of low pressure) and a big acceleration of the winds.

The front will move into Puget Sound during the next 1-2 hours, so be ready!


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