Super Spring Weather Ahead

After a startlingly cool March, we are going to get paid back in spades in April:  an extraordinary week is ahead, with the only exception being Saturday morning...and even that won't be that bad.

Every day but Saturday will get into the 60s.  Dry, except perhaps a sprinkle Saturday morning, and temperatures gliding up to near 70F on Thursday.

On several days, weather will be far better in Seattle than Los Angeles.  And that was particularly true today.

The SpaceNeedle cam and the Long Beach Cams show perfect weather here in Washington State:

The Del Mar Beach, CA cam is rainy, misty, wind and cold.

And the seen in Hollywood, is well...wet.

As noted in a previous blog, our perfect weather is the result of an atmospheric blocking situation, in which the atmosphere gets temporarily frozen in a certain configuration.  The upper level map for 5 AM this morning shows you the pattern we have been stuck omega block, with ridge of high pressure over the Northwest and deep troughs/lows over the southwest U.S. and north of Hawaii.  Very stale and persistent.

So what about the future?  The ridge will be depressed slightly on Saturday morning as a weak trough moves through and then the ridge will return with a vengeance but in a slightly different form:  a Rex Block in which the ridge is undercut with a low center (see below for 8 PM Tuesday).  Named after a forecaster named Rex, not some king, by the way.

With a ridge parked over the eastern Pacific, the eastern half of the U.S. should be cool and wet.

To give you some idea of our future, here are temperatures at Seattle Tacoma Airport from the U.S. GEFS ensemble system, in which the model is run many times, each run starting slightly differently.  Nice and toasty tomorrow (Friday), cooling over the weekend, but then progressive warming the rest of the week.  Very nice.  The folks in Los Angeles will be jealous. 

Strangely, Seattle is closing its major parks on Saturday and Sunday due to "warm weather", even though weather will be much cooler/cloudier on Saturday and Sunday than Thursday or Friday or next week.  This simply does not make any sense based on the forecast.  These closures will endanger folks, pushing more people into fewer parks and thus lessen the ability for social distancing.  Furthermore, the larger parks near the water generally have stronger winds and thus better ventilation (more dispersal of any droplets exhaled by people).


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