How Far Into The Future Can We Predict the Weather? My New Podcast Discusses That and the Weekend Forecast.

 I am often asked about how far into the future weather prediction is possible 

My podcast (link below) reveals the answer and also provides a relatively optimistic weekend forecast.

And don't forget the Northwest Weather Workshop tomorrow morning!  

Three hours of local weather and climate talks, with time for questions. And it will end with a spectacular video by Greg Johnson of Skunk Bay Weather.  More information below.  Please register if you want to attend.  It will be completely online.

Finally, for rainshadow fans, check out the visible satellite image this morning.  You see the clearing northeast of the Olympics?  A good example of the Olympic rainshadow.

Compare the cams at Seqium and Seattle below--both take at the same time.  A classic.

Here is my podcast:

Click the play button to listen or use your favorite streaming service (see below)

You can stream my podcast from your favorite services:


The Northwest Weather Workshop, the annual gathering to talk about Northwest weather, climate, and major meteorological events, will take place on May 1, 2021. This year we will have a special session on the meteorology of the September 2020 regional wildfires. The meeting will be online. More information, the agenda, and registration information is found here:


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