Monsoon Moisture Reaches Washington and Oregon

When one thinks of the Northwest during the summer, the word monsoon is not the first thing that comes to mind. But during the last day, Southwest Monsoon moisture has spread from the southwest U.S. into our region. It has already rained at Sea-Tac Airport and clouds have spread over western Washington. The water vapor channel of the NOAA GOES satellite clearly shows the plume of moisture heading directly over the Northwest. And the visible satellite image this morning highlights the associated clouds over western Washington and northern Oregon The radar image around 7AM indicates some showers moving up into our region. My newspaper was a bit soggy this morning. This moist air will be around this weekend and the air is unstable enough for more showers this afternoon, particularly over and east of the Cascade crest. Over the 24h ending 5 AM Sunday, most of the showers will be over eastern Oregon (see 24-h accumulated rainfall below. And some of these showers will be associated w...