What Controls the Movement of Wildfire Smoke? And a Perfect Forecast for the Next Week.

 We are now in wildfire season and the resulting smoke is on everyone's mind.  And the dramatic transcontinental movement of West Coast smoke has gotten national attention.

What controls the movement of wildfire smoke?   What conditions produce dense smoke in western Washington and Oregon?   How can smoke pass above us aloft, but our air quality remains good?

All of these questions will be answered in my new podcast.

And I start the podcast with the weather forecast, with our weather being near perfection in western Washington if you like clean air, sunny skies, no rain, and temperatures around 80F.

To hear the full story, listen to my podcast below or select your preferred streaming service

  We are now in wildfire season and the resulting smoke is on everyone What Controls the Movement of Wildfire Smoke?   And a Perfect Forecast for the Next Week.  We are now in wildfire season and the resulting smoke is on everyone What Controls the Movement of Wildfire Smoke?   And a Perfect Forecast for the Next Week.


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