Pluvius Jupiter Reigns over the Northwest
The ancient Romans believed that rainfall was controlled by the great god Jupiter....or to be more exact, one of the aspects of the deity, Jupiter Pluvius . Even in modern times, some folks would suggest that drought was associated with sleeping god: And did you know that a town in the very wet southwest corner of Washington State is known as Pluvius? I need to visit that place. Jupiter Pluvius appears to have taken up resident over our region....and is not leaving very soon. Over the last two months, much of the Northwest and northern California has had above normal precipitation (see map below, greens, blues, purple), with large portions of central/northern California receiving more than 400% of normal precipitation. Jupiter's bounty has ended the fire season in much of the western U.S., restored soil moisture, and began the processes of refilling the region's reservoirs. And Jupiter was thoughtful of the other gods, allowing near-perfect conditions for Halloween. But Jupi...