Why is late July so Dry? And the Weekend Forecast. All in My Latest Podcast.

We are two weeks away from the driest time of the year here in the Pacific Northwest.

But why?   Why is the last week of July so arid around here, when that is not true over the eastern half of the U.S.?

All is revealed in my Podcast (which you can listen to below).

The West Coast is Very Dry in July.  While the eastern U.S. is Wet.  Why?

And then there is this weekend. 

 It is not that it will be all bad, but our old friend, the east Pacific upper-level trough, will be visiting.....and, how do I say this politely?... such features are not associated with heat waves.  

The National Weather Service weather icon for Saturday says it all:
We are two weeks away from the driest time of the year here in the Pacific Northwest Why is late July so Dry?   And the Weekend Forecast.  All in My Latest Podcast.

To listen to my podcast, use the link below or access it through your favorite podcast service.

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 We are two weeks away from the driest time of the year here in the Pacific Northwest Why is late July so Dry?   And the Weekend Forecast.  All in My Latest Podcast. We are two weeks away from the driest time of the year here in the Pacific Northwest Why is late July so Dry?   And the Weekend Forecast.  All in My Latest Podcast.
Like the podcast? Support on Patreon 

We are two weeks away from the driest time of the year here in the Pacific Northwest Why is late July so Dry?   And the Weekend Forecast.  All in My Latest Podcast.


I will be doing a special online zoom session for Patreon supporters on Saturday at 10 AM.  Come with your questions....and I will talk about the summer outlook as well.

Patreon Information Here


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