A Good Weekend Ahead But More Heat in Our Future. Plus, a Primer on Northwest Humidity

After a week of warmth and humidity, temporary relief is here...at least west of the Cascade crest.

My podcast starts with a very pleasant forecast for the next four days over the western lowlands, but with a note about increased heat mid-week (see forecast temperatures for Seattle below).

East of the Cascades, temperatures will hover around 100F (see forecast for Tri-Cities below)

In my second segment, I talk about humidity in the Northwest.  Why was it so sticky last week?  What controls our humidity? All is revealed in the podcast.

To listen to my podcast, use the link below or access it through your favorite podcast service.

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 My podcast starts with a very pleasant forecast for the next four days over the western lo A Good Weekend Ahead But More Heat in Our Future.  Plus, a Primer on Northwest Humidity My podcast starts with a very pleasant forecast for the next four days over the western lo A Good Weekend Ahead But More Heat in Our Future.  Plus, a Primer on Northwest Humidity
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My podcast starts with a very pleasant forecast for the next four days over the western lo A Good Weekend Ahead But More Heat in Our Future.  Plus, a Primer on Northwest Humidity


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