Northwest Freezing Rain Events in Perspective, Plus a Big Change in the Weather

 My new podcast is out.   

In the second segment, I talk about regional freezing rain events and reveal which areas of the Northwest are world-class in the ice storm domain (see map below for a hint).

In the first segment, I talk about the forecast.

Major changes are ahead, including massive amounts of rain in the mountains!   Here is the forecast precipitation through 4 PM Monday.  Wow.  Up to approximately 10 inches in the mountains.

 I talk about regional freezing rain events and reveal which areas of the Northwest are wo Northwest Freezing Rain Events in Perspective, Plus a Big Change in the Weather

Enough rain that some rivers will get near their daily records (see an example of the Snohomish below)

 I talk about regional freezing rain events and reveal which areas of the Northwest are wo Northwest Freezing Rain Events in Perspective, Plus a Big Change in the Weather

To listen to my podcast, use the link below or access it through your favorite podcast service.

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  I talk about regional freezing rain events and reveal which areas of the Northwest are wo Northwest Freezing Rain Events in Perspective, Plus a Big Change in the Weather  I talk about regional freezing rain events and reveal which areas of the Northwest are wo Northwest Freezing Rain Events in Perspective, Plus a Big Change in the Weather
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 I talk about regional freezing rain events and reveal which areas of the Northwest are wo Northwest Freezing Rain Events in Perspective, Plus a Big Change in the Weather


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