The Big Dry is Coming, And the Truth About the Pacific Data Void

In my new podcast (see information below), I talk about a major weather transition that will occur over the West Coast, with the development of a huge, persistent ridge of high pressure (see upper-level map below for Sunday morning).

California will have a chance to dry out.

And in the second part of the podcast, I talk about the claims of supposed weather data voids over the Pacific.  Such an absence of weather data existed 60 years ago, but no longer.  

Today massive satellite, aircraft, and buoy data provide huge amounts of 3D weather data worldwide (see examples below), and form the basis for a huge improvement in weather prediction.  I  provide details in the podcast.

View of the planet in the infrared from geostationary satellites.

Atmospheric motion information using wavelengths 
in which water vapor is active

To listen to my podcast, use the link below or access it through your favorite podcast service.

Some major podcast servers:

  I talk about a major weather transition that will occur over the West Coast The Big Dry is Coming, And the Truth About the Pacific Data Void  I talk about a major weather transition that will occur over the West Coast The Big Dry is Coming, And the Truth About the Pacific Data Void
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 I talk about a major weather transition that will occur over the West Coast The Big Dry is Coming, And the Truth About the Pacific Data Void


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