The Origins of Atmospheric Rivers and the Latest Forecast. My New Podcast

 My new podcast talks about the origins and importance of atmospheric rivers.    As I describe, atmospheric rivers are relatively narrow plumes of water vapor that extend out of the tropical and subtropics into the midlatitudes (see the example below for Monday morning).

California gets it again, as an atmospheric river (red and white colors) 
of enhanced water vapor hits the Golden State.

Atmospheric rivers result from a specific atmospheric configuration with a trough of lower pressure to the north and a ridge of higher pressure to the south.

When the plumes of moisture associated with atmospheric rivers hit land, huge amounts of precipitation can be released, as illustrated by the forecast of 12-h precipitation on Monday (below).

A lot more is found in my podcast (see below).  By the way, I am moving my podcast release date to Saturday.  Hope that is ok.

To listen to my podcast, use the link below or access it through your favorite podcast service.

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  My new podcast talks about the origins and importance of atmospheric rivers The Origins of Atmospheric Rivers and the Latest Forecast.  My New Podcast  My new podcast talks about the origins and importance of atmospheric rivers The Origins of Atmospheric Rivers and the Latest Forecast.  My New Podcast
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 My new podcast talks about the origins and importance of atmospheric rivers The Origins of Atmospheric Rivers and the Latest Forecast.  My New Podcast


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