Are Weekends Wetter than Weekdays?
I have been hearing from a lot of folks suggesting that our weekends have been wetter than our weekdays , and asking me whether this was true. So is it true? Are the weather gods preferentially punishing Puget Sound residents over the weekend? Are the weather gods punishing us? Let's find out! To do this, I secured the daily precipitation statistics at Seattle-Tacoma Airport for May and June so far--43 days in all. For the full period , there was 4.04 inches at Sea-Tac for . 09 inches per day . For the 31 weekdays, there was 1.72 inches in the rain gauge, or .05 inches per day But for the 12 weekend days , there was 2.32 inches or .19 inches per day . Yikes! It is true! The weekends have been wetter, with nearly FOUR TIMES MORE PRECIPITATION PER DAY THAN DURING THE WEEKDAYS. Good reason to complain. But is this a real effect or just chance? There have been a number of investigations of this serious topic, a recent one led by one of my ex-students: Prof