It's the Wind Not the Heat

There has been a lot of talk about the warmth of this weekend, but the REAL story is about the winds, not the temperatures. Unusually strong easterly winds. Today was a warm, but pleasant day for many, with Seattle getting up to the mid-80s away from the water, while highs hit around 90 from Olympia down into the Willamette Valley. But the warmth was mitigated by a wonderful breeze in many locations, with the high winds today reaching around 20 mph over western Washington/Oregon and 30-35 mph east of the Cascades. The weather situation today and tomorrow are very different from the major heatwave events and that explains the winds. Considering the upper level (500 hPa) pattern, one notes an elongated ridge of high pressure/heights to our north, which is NOT the canonical location/shape to give the Northwest a major heatwave. A further non-standard feature is a low center to our south. All of this is VERY different than the situation in June 2021. This pattern is producing an inte...